
Online Conference

July 2nd - 3rd, 2020

Health Technology in
Connected & Integrated Care

Health Technology in Connected & Integrated Care
Health Technology in Connected & Integrated Care

With many initiatives launched worldwide for the personal human genome map (Personalised Medicine Initiative in the USA, 100.000 Genomes Initiative in the UK and the Human Genome Declaration at EU level), it is possible to envision a future where treatments are tailored to individuals’ genetic structures. A future where Personalised Medicine is fully integrated into real life setting.

In healthcare new scientific and technological innovations are either not yet used or underused because of slow adoption, data analytics is failing to reach its full potential, and interdisciplinary barriers in medical science need to be overcome.

In order to accelerate the adoption of personalised medicine approaches and enable early interception of diseases, deliver new precision and personalised care while balancing and optimising healthcare expenditures based on medical and economic value, Health Technologies and Smart & Integrated Care need to become a key priority for the policy makers. Healthcare organisations need to be transformed in order to absorb innovative technologies and deliver more personalised services to patients and citizens. In this respect, worldwide, the healthcare environment is already changing and it is becoming increasingly obvious that affordable high-quality healthcare cannot be delivered without harnessing new ways of delivering care. Using new technologies is a promising solution to help cope with current challenges and to improve healthcare and pharmacy practice.


#HealthTechnology #PersonalisedHealthcare #PersonalisedMedicine #EuropeanRegions


Day 1, 2nd July 2020

Conference Day
Online session


9.00 - 9.10


Gianni D’Errico – Coordinator of the Project

9.10 - 9.20


Professor Donata Kurpas – Chair of the Conference (Wroclaw Medical University)


9.20 - 9.30

Opening Session

Health Technologies from the perspective of a region
Chair: Gianni D’Errico / Prof. Donata Kurpas

9.30 - 9.40

Innovative solutions in the National Health Strategy

Katarzyna Wiktorzak – National Health Fund

9.40 - 9.50

Implementation of high technology solutions from the region’s perspective

Marcin Krzyżanowski – Lower Silesia Marshal Office Lower Silesia

9.50 - 10.00

Coffee Break

Session 1

Connecting the regulatory aspects with Personalised Health Technologies 

Chair: Marco D’Angelantonio – HIMsa

10.00 - 10.20

The Commitment of the European Commission in Personalised Medicine

Jana Makedonska – European Commission DG RTD

10.20 - 10.40

The future of medical technologies in the Personalised Medicine Era

Giovanni Giuliani – Value Evidence and Access Leader at Roche

10.40 - 11.00

Health Technologies: regulatory aspects

Katarzyna Zoń – Uniwersytet Wrocławski


11.00 - 11.20

Electronic informed consent for health technologies

Dr. Marek Czarkowski – Bioethical Committee of the Supreme Medical Chamber

11.20 - 11.40

Data and Health Technologies

Wiktor Rynowiecki – Director of the Architecture and e-Health Services Division, Healthcare Information System (CSIOZ)

11.40 - 11.55


11.55 - 12.30

Lunch Break

Session 2

Patient Engagement – engage citizens and patients with tools to better manage their health

Chair: Dr. Olaf Müller

12.30 . 12.50

How patients can enhance Health Technologies

Tomasz Falut – We, The Patients Foundation

12.50 - 13.10

PROMs and PREMs for Health Technologies 

Sabina De Rosis – Sant’Anna University

13.10 - 13.30

Coordinated care solution for the patient and medical staff for better health management, on the example of the POZ PLUS pilot program

Katarzyna Wiktorzak – National Health Found

13.30 - 13.50

The Patient Rescue Support Project WRP

Dr. Antoni Zwiefka – Lower Silesia Marshal Office

13.50 - 14.10

Barriers and challenges for the introduction of eHealth approaches into chronic networking care of patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Prof. Tjalf Ziemssen – University Clinic Carl-Gustav Carus

14.10 - 14.25


14.25 -14.40

Coffee Break

Session 3
Healthcare & HTA for health innovations
Chair: Victoria Tkachenko – Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

14.40 - 15.00

Technology Enabled Home Care at Time of Coronavirus

Marco D’Angelantonio – HIMsa

15.00 - 15.20

Innovations in healthcare – perspective and role of the National Health Fund

Tomasz Pawlęga – Head of the Innovation Division in Analysis and Innovation Department, National Health Fund Poland

15.20 - 15.40

Digital health solutions that radically impact clinical practice. E-learning platform to include digital health-related topics in our curriculum

Jagoda Kowalik – Cardiomatics

15.40 - 16.00

Heartbit_4.0: Application of innovative Medical Data Science technologies for heart diseases

Joanna Gruchot – Consortium Heartbit_4.0, Wroclaw Medical University

16.00 - 16.20

A smart way to keep your health in check

Slawomir Kmak – StethoMe


16.20 - 16.40

A smart way to keep your health in check

Tomasz Gondek – SensDX

16.40 - 17.00



Day 2, 3rd July 2020

In situ day

09.00 - 10.15

Cardiomatics is a cloud AI tool for ECG analysis.

Rafał Samborski – Simply give us a raw ECG signal and our algorithms will turn it into valuable analysis.

10.15 - 11.30

Infermedica develops its diagnostic engine to collect intake, check symptoms, and guide patients to the right care.

The technology can also detect emergencies and support healthcare professionals by giving them early access to health information and recommendations. Infermedica tackles the problem of inappropriate use of medical services and misdiagnosis, providing insurance companies, hospitals, and health systems with a set of advanced preliminary diagnosis and triage tools, that include products: Symptom Checker, Call Center Triage, Emergency Room Triage, and Medical API. The company uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to assess symptoms and find patterns in data.

Thanks to algorithms, Infermedica gets smarter over time. Besides, the team of physicians verifies every piece of information that is added to the medical database to ensure that patients get safe and reliable recommendations. To date, physicians involved in the project have spent over 20,000 hours doing the review.

11.30 - 11.45

Coffee Break

11.45 - 13.30

CSM – demo Firm 1 CSM

Medical Simulation Centre, Wroclaw Medical University, one of the most innovative investments of Wroclaw Medial University; six rooms similar to those at a real hospital: an operating room, an intensive care room, a labour ward, the ER, an ambulance simulator and a nurses room where students are practicing their skills using interactive, highly advanced equipment.

13.30 - 13.45
